Many parents really take time on deciding what kind of bathtub to buy for their babies. But always keep in mind that regardless of what kind the bathtub is, safety of the baby is the most important consideration — not necessarily the type of tub.
Most baby tubs are small, easily portable, and crafted from lightweight plastic, so you can put them almost anywhere. Some are designed to rest inside or over a kitchen sink, while others are used inside an adult-sized bathtub.
There are a plenty of various tubs on the latest market, but you don't really need something very fancy. A good, basic tub should have rounded corners and edges , and should cradle your baby to keep her safely and securely in place.
Regardless of where you set up, the best and most important thing to keep in mind is to stay with your baby and keep an eye on her at all times so she never slips under the water. Never leave your baby unsupervised, even for a minute. If the doorbell or phone rings and you feel you must answer it, scoop him up in a towel and take him with you. Even if you forgot the baby towel in the room, just pick up the baby while you get what you need. Gather the supplies you'd use for a bath and a cup of rinsing water ahead of time so that you can keep one hand on the baby at all times. Never leave your baby alone in the water. And don't ever pick up a portable tub with your baby inside.
When you start shopping, bear in mind that just about any tub you buy will be awkward to use in the beginning, mainly because bathing a squirming baby-- who might be startled by temperature level changes and by being put into even very shallow water-- is daunting for even the most experienced parent. Simply puts, you intend to do the job quickly.
For a baby 6 months or younger who has limited head and neck control, buy a bathtub that has a contoured design, allowing a baby who can't sit up yet to relax in a slightly upright position. Many featured an internal sling that cradles a newborn in the water. A removable mesh or fabric cradle means your baby can't move way too much, keeping him secure so you can gently wash him. A mildew-resistant foam lining is also a plus. It's softer for a baby's head and body than hard plastic. To avoid mildew and soap-scum buildup on any baby bathtub, clean it and let it dry fully after each use.
At about 6 months, when your baby can sit up, she'll probably be too big to get bathed in an infant tub and you can move her to a bigger plastic child's tub that fits into your regular tub. We recommend using a nonskid rubber mat, even under an infant or child's tub, to keep it from moving.
There are "convertible" tubs on the market designed for newborns to toddlers. Some convertible models also include the removable slings mentioned above, which you can remove when your baby can sit up alone.
Another type has a crotch post to keep your baby from slipping forward in the water. When this type is outgrown, your older toddler can move to a regular bathtub filled with a small amount of water. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 6 be watched carefully while in the bathtub.
If you're short on space, you can buy an infant tub that folds. But remember that you'll be using it for only about six months. There are some models on the market that collapse completely, which comes in handy for travel. If you're considering one of those, set it up to ensure it's sturdy before you put your baby in it.
A "whirlpool spa" might seem attractive but you don't need anything that elaborate. Several of them include a showerhead nozzle that activates with a button-- a smart idea because keeping water running is a safety risk. But a simple cup of water to rinse your baby off will do just fine. Do not buy a showerhead with a hose that attaches directly to a faucet because it poses a scalding hazard. And don't buy an inflatable bathtub, bath seat, ring, or bathing bucket regardless of whether your pediatrician or friends recommend it.
You might also see infant tubs that feature stands created to save parents from the neck and back pain that might come with bending over to wash a baby. We think the safest place to wash your baby is in an infant tub that suits a sink or bathtub, or on the floor.
Another important thing to consider is ensure that your baby enjoys bath time. You can clean your baby well if she won’t resist to bathing routine. So it is very helpful to give your baby some toys to play with. There are toys intended for bath sessions that your baby will definitely love. Your baby will surely grow to enjoy bath time-- and so will you.